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13 – 17 November 2024

The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Jewellery Design and Global Markets

As a form of decoration and self-expression throughout cultures, jewellery has long been seen as a window into the past and present. Cultures from all around the world are represented in the diverse array of jewellery styles that are produced today. Cultural variety has a significant influence on the development of international trade and the aesthetics of jewellery.

The Power of Cultural Influence in Jewellery

Cultural influence in jewellery design is a fascinating phenomenon that cuts across space and time.

Different cultures throughout time have made their mark on the realm of jewellery by imparting their own distinct symbols, techniques, and materials to the field. Cultural traditions have played a significant part in creating the aesthetics of jewellery throughout history, from the intricate filigree of the Middle East to the vivid gemstones of South Asia and the delicate jade carvings of East Asia.

The allure of jewellery with a cultural impact resides not only in its aesthetic appeal, but also in its potential to elicit a sense of identity, heritage, and connection, with each item standing as a testimony to the splendour of cultural diversity.

Experience the timeless elegance and the cultural diversity
at the Jewellery & Watch Show Abu Dhabi!

November 1-5, 2023 | ADNEC, Abu Dhabi

Cultural Diversity's Role in Modern Jewellery

Consumers today are more likely to feel connected to the brands they buy if they see themselves reflected in those products. Hence, investing in diversity can really assist a company to become more successful, especially in the jewellery industry.

Contemporary designers draw inspiration from a wide range of cultural traditions to create jewellery that appeals to a worldwide audience, ensuring that jewellery's rich tapestry of influences continues to flourish.

Beyond aesthetics, cultural diversity in modern jewellery reflects a growing awareness of ethical sourcing and sustainable practices. Customers and designers alike are on the lookout for jewellery that honours the cultures that inspired it. These pieces of art take on an even greater significance when they are purchased with the intention of promoting fair trade and environmentally responsible materials.

So, with cultural diversity in mind, global jewellery trends and markets are also shifting. Like how gold continues to reign in 2023 not just because of investment but also because of gold’s heritage significance, especially to UAE.

Even with the forecasted sparkling future for the timeless pearl jewellery and the continuous change in the psychology of buyers and their valuing of diamond jewellery pieces.

As cultural diversity continues to flourish, the world of jewellery becomes a vibrant canvas reflecting the beauty and richness of humanity's collective heritage.

Celebrating Emirati Jewellery’s Elegance, Style,
and Diversity at Ebdaá Awards

The Ebdaá Awards is an extravagant and important competition that exquisitely showcases the talents and one-of-a-kind creativity of up-and-coming Emirati jewellery makers who will be present at the most prestigious industry event, the Jewellery & Watch Show Abu Dhabi.

Each of the event's four categories—Pearl Design, Emirati Design, Calligraphy, and People of Determination—will feature the magnificent works of emerging jewellers, representing the Emirati culture and heritage to thousands of visitors.

Embracing Cultural Diversity in the Jewellery Industry

In this age of globalisation, the jewellery industry has become a lively hub of cultural exchange, where designers and craftsmen get ideas from different cultural customs, symbols, patterns, and materials.

This interaction between different cultures has led to the creation of beautiful jewellery that speaks to people from many different backgrounds.

Be one of the most anticipated jewellery designers to showcase their latest collections at Ebdaá Awards

Don’t miss this opportunity. Submission of entries ends on 15 September 2023.

Contact number: +971554936308 / +97126441575

Witness and own the most exquisite jewellery and watches from Emirati and international brands only at the Jewellery & Watch Show Abu Dhabi

Join thousands of visitors at the Jewellery & Watch Show Abu Dhabi (JWS Abu Dhabi) as hundreds of brands will be present to showcase their latest creations. You can also be one of these brands to get the opportunity to showcase your masterpiece at the most prestigious show in the jewellery and watch industry.

November 1-5, 2023 | ADNEC, Abu Dhabi

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